injunction|injunctions in English


[in·junc·tion || ɪn'dʒʌŋkʃn]

court order ordering someone to do or refrain from doing something (Law); command, orde

Use "injunction|injunctions" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "injunction|injunctions" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "injunction|injunctions", or refer to the context using the word "injunction|injunctions" in the English Dictionary.

1. It is usually the opposite of a prohibitory injunction but there are mandatory injunctions which have a similar effect to specific performance.

2. Injunctions may also be interlocutory.

3. The Lords had initially upheld the interlocutory injunctions although the House subsequently refused to make the injunctions permanent.

4. I could see myself ripping up injunctions.

5. They failed to obtain an injunction .

6. They issued an injunction a day.

7. The court has issued an injunction.

8. The judge granted her an injunction.

9. The District Court’s injunction Contravened that principle

10. The judge refused to grant an injunction .

11. 3 The military government dissolved the injunction.

12. Secondly, it can apply for an injunction.

13. They got an interim injunction against the union.

14. The court granted an injunction against the defendants.

15. Courts may grant injunctions to stop defamatory publications which would prejudice pending criminal trials.

16. The plaintiffs obtained an injunction in the High Court.

17. In seeking the injunctions, Lord Goldsmith insisted he was wearing the latter hat.

18. Accordingly, the injunction against its effectiveness should be sustained.

19. Secondly[], it can apply for an injunction.

20. An interlocutory injunction could not stand on its own.

21. Judge Beach disagreed and refused to grant an injunction.

22. She Appealed for an injunction to the circuit court.

23. Unicorn's bankruptcy in 1983 freed the band from the injunction.

24. Civil court can provide for legal remedies, such as monetary damages, and equitable remedies, including injunctions

25. Competition – Administrative procedure – Bringing infringements to an end – Commission’s powers – Injunctions addressed to undertakings